The Hero’s Journey by Campbell 1949

Campbell brings this ancient idea into his work too. Borrowing the term monomyth, a word he identifies as one coined by James Joyce, he puts forth the ancient idea that the mysterious energy for inspirations, revelations, and actions in heroic stories worldwide is also universally found in human beings. People who find resonant heroic themes of challenges and quests in their own lives, in their goals, creative outpourings, in their day and night dreams are being led to a single psychic fact. That is, that the creative and spiritual lives of individuals influence the outer world as much as the mythic world influences the individual.
Stage I: Departure
The Call to Adventure
A problem or threat interrupts the hero's normal life.
Stage I: Departure
Refusal of the Call
Initially, the hero is hesitant to embark on the journey. Therefore, they refuse the call.
Stage I: Departure
Supernatural Aid
Someone they look up to helps them find the inspiration to join the journey.
Stage I: Departure
The Crossing of the First Threshold
This is the point where the hero leaves on their journey.
Stage I: Departure
The Belly of the Whale
In this stage, the hero encounters the first obstacle after leaving on the journey. This step is the end of the departure stage.
Stage II: Initiation
The Road of Trials
The first step of the initiation stage: these are the trials the hero undergoes and the beginning of the change, in some aspect, of the hero. They learn from their mistakes in this step.
Stage II: Initiation
The Meeting with the Goddess
The hero meets the allies that will help them through their journey.
Stage II: Initiation
Woman as Temptress
The temptation that arises to try to get the hero to abandon the journey.
Stage II: Initiation
Atonement with the Father
One of the major turning points of the story where the hero faces the ultimate reason for the journey. The hero might face a villain or even their own doubt.
Stage II: Initiation
From the previous step, the hero learns how they will face the rest of the journey. This is the moment that the hero gains profound understanding or knowledge that helps them to prevail.
Stage II: Initiation
The Ultimate Boon
The final step of the initiation stage: this step is where the hero fulfills the reason for their journey.
Stage III: Return
Refusal of the Return
The first step of the return stage, the hero is initially reluctant to return to their mundane life.
Stage III: Return
The Magic Flight
Though the hero has answered their call and completed the reason for their journey, they are still chased by others. In this step, the hero works to evade those chasing them.
Stage III: Return
Rescue from Without
Once again an outside source or mentor works to guide them home and rescue them from those chasing them.
Stage III: Return
The Crossing of the Return Threshold
The hero crosses back into their mundane world.
Stage III: Return
Master of the Two Worlds
Since the hero has been on the journey, they need to learn to balance their mundane life and the world they experienced on the journey.
Stage III: Return
Freedom to Live
The hero acclimates back into their mundane life and lives peacefully.
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Stage I: Departure
The Call to Adventure
A problem or threat interrupts the hero's normal life.
Stage I: Departure
Refusal of the Call
Initially, the hero is hesitant to embark on the journey. Therefore, they refuse the call.
Stage I: Departure
Supernatural Aid
Someone they look up to helps them find the inspiration to join the journey.
Stage I: Departure
The Crossing of the First Threshold
This is the point where the hero leaves on their journey.
Stage I: Departure
The Belly of the Whale
In this stage, the hero encounters the first obstacle after leaving on the journey. This step is the end of the departure stage.
Stage II: Initiation
The Road of Trials
The first step of the initiation stage: these are the trials the hero undergoes and the beginning of the change, in some aspect, of the hero. They learn from their mistakes in this step.
Stage II: Initiation
The Meeting with the Goddess
The hero meets the allies that will help them through their journey.
Stage II: Initiation
Woman as Temptress
The temptation that arises to try to get the hero to abandon the journey.
Stage II: Initiation
Atonement with the Father
One of the major turning points of the story where the hero faces the ultimate reason for the journey. The hero might face a villain or even their own doubt.
Stage II: Initiation
From the previous step, the hero learns how they will face the rest of the journey. This is the moment that the hero gains profound understanding or knowledge that helps them to prevail.
Stage II: Initiation
The Ultimate Boon
The final step of the initiation stage: this step is where the hero fulfills the reason for their journey.
Stage III: Return
Refusal of the Return
The first step of the return stage, the hero is initially reluctant to return to their mundane life.
Stage III: Return
The Magic Flight
Though the hero has answered their call and completed the reason for their journey, they are still chased by others. In this step, the hero works to evade those chasing them.
Stage III: Return
Rescue from Without
Once again an outside source or mentor works to guide them home and rescue them from those chasing them.
Stage III: Return
The Crossing of the Return Threshold
The hero crosses back into their mundane world.
Stage III: Return
Master of the Two Worlds
Since the hero has been on the journey, they need to learn to balance their mundane life and the world they experienced on the journey.
Stage III: Return
Freedom to Live
The hero acclimates back into their mundane life and lives peacefully.
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Stage I: Departure
The Call to Adventure
A problem or threat interrupts the hero's normal life.
Stage I: Departure
Refusal of the Call
Initially, the hero is hesitant to embark on the journey. Therefore, they refuse the call.
Stage I: Departure
Supernatural Aid
Someone they look up to helps them find the inspiration to join the journey.
Stage I: Departure
The Crossing of the First Threshold
This is the point where the hero leaves on their journey.
Stage I: Departure
The Belly of the Whale
In this stage, the hero encounters the first obstacle after leaving on the journey. This step is the end of the departure stage.
Stage II: Initiation
The Road of Trials
The first step of the initiation stage: these are the trials the hero undergoes and the beginning of the change, in some aspect, of the hero. They learn from their mistakes in this step.
Stage II: Initiation
The Meeting with the Goddess
The hero meets the allies that will help them through their journey.
Stage II: Initiation
Woman as Temptress
The temptation that arises to try to get the hero to abandon the journey.
Stage II: Initiation
Atonement with the Father
One of the major turning points of the story where the hero faces the ultimate reason for the journey. The hero might face a villain or even their own doubt.
Stage II: Initiation
From the previous step, the hero learns how they will face the rest of the journey. This is the moment that the hero gains profound understanding or knowledge that helps them to prevail.
Stage II: Initiation
The Ultimate Boon
The final step of the initiation stage: this step is where the hero fulfills the reason for their journey.
Stage III: Return
Refusal of the Return
The first step of the return stage, the hero is initially reluctant to return to their mundane life.
Stage III: Return
The Magic Flight
Though the hero has answered their call and completed the reason for their journey, they are still chased by others. In this step, the hero works to evade those chasing them.
Stage III: Return
Rescue from Without
Once again an outside source or mentor works to guide them home and rescue them from those chasing them.
Stage III: Return
The Crossing of the Return Threshold
The hero crosses back into their mundane world.
Stage III: Return
Master of the Two Worlds
Since the hero has been on the journey, they need to learn to balance their mundane life and the world they experienced on the journey.
Stage III: Return
Freedom to Live
The hero acclimates back into their mundane life and lives peacefully.
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